Wednesday, May 11, 2016

When life pours you lemonade...

It's likely best to not think about how much sugar is in it and just go for it :)  Unless of course you don't like lemonade and then... well... not sure what to say about that right there!


I've gotten so used to waiting for the lemons.  When life hands you lemons, right?!  But why does it always have to be about making good out of the bad?  Why can't it be looking for the good, period.

My life is good.... my life is great actually.

So why should I focus on anything bad???

Not to mention, this baby has a major sweet tooth... oh my goodness... I swear if all the sugary stuff in the world didn't make me feel like total sludge, it would be all I ever ate or drank.

Back to the point.  I could go into all the details of the seemingly not so good things that I just have to make good out of.  But I've decided I'm not going to do that anymore.

~Today, I am 30 weeks pregnant.
~My baby is still on the inside.
~My blood pressure is a gorgeous record low of 100s/60s. Period.          
~I'm tired and things hurt, because I've got an almost 3 pound baby making my insides feel like an alien is going to burst out.... and I love it!
~My house is a mess, because my children enjoyed playing with their friends last night.
~My car finally has air conditioning and it cost me less to get it fixed than I thought it would.
~My kitchen is also a mess and my husband put away the left overs and sent me upstairs with water he got me so I could rest after play date last night.
~Today, it feels like someone ran me over with a truck and I'm taking the boys to finally get their hair cut and have lunch with their granddaddy afterwards and it's going to be a great afternoon!

No ifs or buts about it.  Not a reason in the world to focus on what I "don't have" or "don't get" or what "might happen"

Life doesn't have to be perfect.... and every moment doesn't have to be one where you don't show any weakness.  But I've come to realize how much that the world around me focuses on the negative. And that's just not how I think life should go.

I came to these realizations last week when I was spending some days being quite miserable about life.  I wanted to take my 29 week picture, but my curtains were pulled down by the boys again, I couldn't find my camera again, and I couldn't think of the perfect shirt to wear for this one.

Then I got to thinking.  The point of documenting....  blogging and picture taking.... is to show your life.  So this is my life!  Just ask my husband, I live in these penguin pants.  They're the only pants I have that I don't have to constantly pull up and that don't make me feel constricted.  Just ask probably anyone who's seen me outside of the house in the last several months, I live in this Seattle sweater.  It's the only thing I own that makes any time I feel uncomfortable better.  Whether I'm feeling insecure about the way I look, or I'm cold.  Yet another thing I thought I had wasted my money on in the gift shop that has proven too useful to regret.  And my hair is almost always up in a pony tail.  And guess what, my curtains spend more often than not... pulled down.  So what's wrong with showing that?  It's my life... so why not capture it that way!

These two things are also my life!

The boys and I finally blew up my new exercise ball... my old one met it's demise with the cats last year!  I highly recommend having one of these in your house if you're pregnant even if all you ever do is sit on it!  It was only $5 at Walmart.  And the milestone day of 29 weeks 2 days (when Oliver was born) marking the longest I have been pregnant without high blood pressure.

I also highly recommend Raspberry leaf tea!  I started drinking it after 24 weeks, the jury is kind of out on any agreement as to when it's "safe" in pregnancy so ask your doctor if it makes you feel better or do your own reading to decide when is best for you etc.  I like chai tea and chamomile tea.... but other than that I don't like other herbal teas because I think even if you leave the bag in for the recommended amount of time, it still tastes funny without sugar etc in it and more often than not I forget it's even in there and it's undrinkable.  Red Raspberry leaf tea however, I can leave the bag in and forget about it and it still tastes fine, because it doesn't taste like much of anything.  I'll drink it alone, or sometimes put honey in it.  It makes me feel good knowing I'm doing something good for my body and the baby... it tones the muscles in your uterus and is supposed to help your labor and contractions move along more effectively. 

I also plan to do this with it when it finally starts getting hot towards the last few weeks:

The cup needed to be in the picture because it's one of my favorites... Nate's grandmother sent it home from Washington with me, and is very fitting for the calm and positive life I would like to live!

For the first time, I feel like I have a real shot at a healthy ending to this pregnancy.  Whether or not I will be able to deliver naturally is in God's hands, but I have a good feeling I'm doing all I can to end it healthy no matter what else happens!

Thanks for reading and as always keep, the prayers and positivity coming <3 Until next time!