Thursday, January 28, 2016

15 weeks.... Then, Then, and Now!

In my pregnancy with Oliver, taking weekly pictures turned out not to be a good idea!  It was overbearing, I was too picky about them being "the same" and then, well, the last trimester didn't even happen so I only had a few pictures of "growing baby" since I quickly got frustrated and gave up.  So when it came to my pregnancy with Elliott, I asked my friend if she would take the pictures for me.  She came up with the great idea to use her ipad with the number week on it and since we alternated houses for playdates each week, we would do it every other time she was at my house, coinciding with every four weeks.  They turned out phenomenal and we got quicker and more precise each time, end result = a beautiful collection of monthly pictures that I am still SO proud to look at to this day.  The one thing I had Nate do was to recreate the same exact 15 weeks picture in the same outfit as with Oliver.  Different walls, different couch, still managed to get the same framed picture in the background.... completely different look!  So I knew I wanted to do that again this time.

Surviving the snow storm we just had isn't exactly the best term to use.... I told my grandmother I'm not quite sure we survived it, but we have managed to be revived.  In the business I forgot that Elliott turned 15 months!!!  Which then reminded me NOT to forget that I had to track down my outfit for the 15 week comparison picture.  Funny story, I almost sold it in the yard sale I had with my friends in the fall.... what was I thinking?!?  Anything but the fact that it was 15 week outfit apparently!  Thankfully no one bought it, I'm sure I would have been happy had someone bought it then, but pretty unhappy today when I realized it was gone.  Anyways... so I put it on with suspense wondering how it was going to look considering I was a completely different weight now.  I was disappointed when it wasn't the amazing look I was hoping for just by how it felt.  But then let me tell you something, when we took the pictures and held the camera up against the tablet to make sure they were enough similar, I couldn't believe what I saw.   As I said last week, things aren't always how you feel they are!  And so I give you: the 15 week comparison pictures!

Excuse me while I take another second.... or two.... to be excited! And to note how perfectly Nate managed to replicate last years picture :)  It's not going to always work, but now that I've seen this, I can try to remind myself, even when I feel my worst, how healthy I actually am.... comparatively speaking!

This week's been really rough... we've all been through some various level of sick, most manageable, some not and Elliott is still going through it.  Every other day I have no energy and having been stuck in the house for several days was no help.

But this was fun...

 Yesterday was my birthday.... and the official 15 week day, and we did manage to go out to dinner which was nice!  We went to a really nice place in the city for restaurant week where you only have a few choices they course out which was a fun change in pace from Friendly's or pizza.... not that I don't love either of those things!  And tonight I got to go to MOPS mom's night out which was bowling!  I was worried I wouldn't have the energy to bowl much, but it turned out to be so fun with a great group of mammas that I will hopefully continue to get to know!

So that's about it for this week! Nate is kicking me off the desktop anyway.... how bossy... but I just wanted to get this done tonight before I didn't have time again for several days!  Thanks for reading <3

Until next time...

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