Monday, April 18, 2016

Third trimester here we come!

So I'm pretty much starting this post over because I started it a week and a half ago but never had time to finish it.  Figure I might as well just start new.

I'm almost 27 weeks now, but this is my latest picture at 25.  I probably don't look huge, but I feel like I am.  That's a good thing though I guess?!  This part feel like it goes slow.  I spend so much time and emotional energy waiting to be in the window of viability and having things be ok if he needed to be born now, and then once that passes I feel like now the waiting for him to be born is just going to take FOREVER!!!!  Even though I know that that forever is going to turn into a one year old in the blink of an eye, Elliott case in point. Things go back and forth between baby being up high and I can't breathe, to all the way down low and "please stop kicking or whatever it is you're doing in that direction!"  I prefer the down low because I prefer being able to breathe,  but it can get downright uncomfortable either way sometimes.  Energy is come and go.  Some days I feel great and can keep on top of everything, and others I don't want to move at all.

I can eat tilapia now!  Since early on I couldn't even stomach the thought of anything fish related if it wasn't fish sticks.  Which put us out one usual menu item as we often make things out of salmon.  I still don't want salmon.  But I was in the store and saw a bag of tilapia a few weeks ago and thought "I could handle that" and so I can apparently!  I just thought that was important for everyone to know :)

Jeanne helped me go through the baby clothes yesterday :)  Except for onesies, all my summer stuff starts at 3-6 months.  Oliver wore those his second summer home (just goes to show you how little he is) and Elliott skipped right through that size going straight into 9 months and up in the summer.  So I might try to collect a few little newborn/0-3 rompers etc, but I am super set on onesies of all sizes because I like to have them under long sleeves in the winter.  I'm so excited he will be able to wear all the cute 3-6 month rompers I have though, they were so adorable on Oliver and I was sad Elliott skipped through them.  They will go on to see another boy :)  And a little palm tree girls shirt I picked up back before I had either of the boys and I loved palm trees.... that will get to see some use by miss Leslie (Jeanne's one year old)... I was holding onto it for if I had a girl, but when we found it in the bin I knew I would much rather her get use out of it then just keep holding onto it, and she's so cute in it so that made me happy as well!!

Baby definitely has hiccups now once or twice a day.  I would not want to have unborn baby hiccups lol they are fast and rhythmic and seem to last forever sometimes, but I don't get tired of feeling them either. 

In other news.... he has a name :) :)  We aren't sharing until he's here.... and honestly we don't even say it really.  It was the same with Elliott.  We didn't know boy or girl, but had names picked out from 20 weeks on and never referred to them after deciding.  I'm not one to sit with several names and choose what I think they look like when they arrive and I don't like waiting for things that way.    So I was very restless not having a name yet.  We tried several times to talk about it which just ended in getting nowhere.  Then one evening we came to an agreement on two acceptable names, agreeing we didn't really like anything else enough to seriously consider more of a list.  But I liked one better and Nate liked the other better.  He wanted to let it settle and wait, but I don't like indecision that way and wanted a name picked.  He wouldn't budge though on letting them settle and thinking about it to see if one of us either came around to the other one or found a compelling reason why one or the other wouldn't work.  So I went to bed unsettled and irritated.  And like he said to, I thought.  And overnight.... I actually changed my mind!  So this is a daddy's pick :)  But I feel good about it!  Like I said, we don't say it, but I think about it and it suits how I feel about him on the inside so I am certain it will suit him on the outside as well.  I hadn't even seen Oliver yet when we picked his name and all Nate contributed looks wise was that he did not look like the Ethan I wanted lol  I agree now!  And I never had any reservations about Elliott, he just was Elliott the second I heard "it's a boy" I have a good feeling this will be the same way with this one!  We have a "subject to change" middle name that we're both good with unless we find something we like better before he's born,  I'm less concerned about having that set in stone because I want it to be good, but as long as I have a first name to go on I can wait out the middle name for the exact right fit.  So for anyone whos been suggesting.... the baby name suggestion train has officially left the station ;)

Well I'm going to wrap this up so I can go clean my horrible living room and start dinner before the Elliott wakes up.... Until next time <3

P.s.  My toe is all healed.... only took a month, but I can finally function 100% normally with it again!  Yay! 

P.P.s  My camera has been found.... and right on Nate's desk where I looked a hundred times but of course it took giving up on looking for it to find it.  When Nate heard where it was he jokingly tried to take credit for finding it,  but claims he actually has no idea!

P.P.P.s  Prayers please :)  I'll be 27 weeks on Wednesday and this is the time where everything has started to get difficult in my last two pregnancies.  I'm trying to have a good feeling this one will be better, but it's still not the easiest thing to keep the worries away.  So positivity my friends.... keep it coming :)

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