Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Growth Scans...

Yesterday was my first of what will be a few monthly growth scans to make sure baby is  growing well.  One of the first indications that there could be any trouble is if the baby is growing slower than he should be.  But they said he looks great!  Estimated weight at 22 weeks 5 days was 1lb3oz.  He was sleepy I guess because he kept yawning :)

Since finding out it's a boy, I've wondered who he will look like.  Oliver and Elliott have sibling similarities in their expressions etc, but they do look different. 

This is me and my three siblings... we look the same, but different.  So the boys look about as the same/different as my two brothers I think!  And with me and my sister. David and I being born more or less full term, and Andrew and Suzanne being born premature.

Yesterday I got to see a 4D of the baby... I've never had that with either of the other two.  It shows so much, it was awesome.  I still don't know what it will actually feel and look like to hold him when he gets here, but....

this is Elliott when he was almost two months old...

and I always wondered what he might have looked like naturally had he been born without the cleft lip. Well I think he would have looked something like this...

My first thought when she switched to this view was "oh my gosh he looks like Elliott!"  Those pudgy little lips on the side :) I always wondered if that was because of Elliott's cleft lip or that was a unique look to him, now I have my answer!! 

Oddly enough, seeing this view of him affirmed for me that I'm 100% happy with having another boy and knowing it.  I spent the last few weeks sort of regretting (not really, but just a nagging feeling) that we found out.  Not because it's a third boy, but because... well... now what?  With Oliver and Elliott there was so much anticipation and waiting and excitement.  Sure, it was a little tough having to tell every single doctor I saw that I didn't want to know the gender.  And I wasn't able to take advantage of any good deals on clothes, or know whether I should buy the whole bag of consigned girl cloth diapers at the consignment store.  But that "it's a..." moment at delivery was thrilling.  I still hold to that.  I just wanted to know what it was like to find out.  And now I think you're either a find out person or you're not.  I'm not!  If all you've ever done is find out, you might find waiting boring or stressful.  But if all you've ever done is wait, then you might find that knowing isn't really all that exciting or something like that.  Hard to describe really. I've heard and read many statements (not personally) of "well you've never done it so how would you know" to people who claim one way or the other is better.  Now that I have done both I can personally say that neither way is better, or write or wrong, it's all about what you personally find exciting etc!  Anyways, after the ultrasound yesterday, I was all good with our decision.  I think it also made a difference that it was the first time I saw proof ;) lol  I didn't look at the anatomy scan because I was waiting for Nate.  And the next one was just a quick one where he confirmed boy, but it was all arm and legs to me.  This time, she was just going along and I was like "oh hey, I'm guessing that's "it's a boy" parts right there?"  No doubt about it.  There will definitely be no possibility the tech was wrong if I was able to spot it on my own!!

This child still needs a name though.  Oliver and Elliott were easy.  We didn't do the two vowel thing on purpose though and likely don't intend to use another vowel.  So it's a little tough this time!  I feel like I'm aware of all the boys names out there really.  Girls names, we had the same one picked for 7 years, so it wasn't until this time that I thought I might want to change it that I started looking at all the other beautiful possibilities out there.  I kind of know what there is for a boy.  We don't want trendy or overused, but it likely has to be at least somewhat common sounding so as not to clash with the other names.  No E,O,T, J, or N  (I like some J names, but I'm not sure I'm willing to bend on my no repeating letters that already exist in the family rule.)  So he just remains baby for now :)

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